The Faculty of Natural Science originally consisted of two Faculties, namely: The Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Faculty of Physical Sciences. These two Faculties and the Faculty of Engineering were the pioneer Faculties of Anambra State University of Technology, ASUTECH, in 1981. Recently, the un wieldy and oversized Faculty, for administrative-cum-research convenience, was split into two, namely, the Faculty of Physical Sciences and the Faculty of Bioscience of seven and six Departments, each/respectively; the NUC has visited on Resource Verification for the split and the University is confidently-waiting for approval.
The main objective of the Faculty is to produce self-reliant graduates capable of establishing their own out-fit upon graduation and to produce middle and high level man-power for the various sectors of the Nigerian economy, such as: Industry, Agriculture, Mineral Resources, Oil/Water Industries, Health, Education, ICT, etc. The Faculty offers programmes in both Pure and Applied Science. Taking cognizance of the fact on the advancements made in Sciences. Engineering and Technology and national needs, a constant review the programmes has been in vogue to include hybrid programmes and industrial options. The Faculty of Natural Sciences presently comprises Eleven (11) Department/Programmes. However, the Basic Sciences, Consisting of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, are housed in the relevant Department of the Faculty. The Faculty services the Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine, ICT and General Studies Unit; quite a Herculean task for a University of a population of over 30,000 students!
At the inception the Faculty of Natural Science was housed in the temporary site of the University until 2005/2005 academic session when it moved from the temporary site of the University to occupy a carefully selected and expanse part of the University to occupy a carefully selected and expanse part of the University called of the University called the Science village.
At the end of 2008/2009, the proposal to split the Faculty of Natural Sciences into Faculties: Physical Sciences comprises the following Departments: Computer Science, Geological Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Industrial Physics, Pure and Applied Chemistry and Statistics.
Recently, the NUC visited the University for Resources Verification exercise for possible approval of a Sub-Department of Applied Geophysics to be created and possibly-approved from the Department of Geological Sciences.